Sunday, November 1, 2009

Exulted One

Blog of The Exulted One

Artist/Writer Farrell Hamann
Ok, Blogging now. First, I'll include a photographic image of the Exalted One fighting evil with his trusty turd rifle.

See those eyes? The Exalted One Means business. Don't fuk with the Exalted One!

For now, evil is on the run. Exalted One has driven it off. So, how about a nice, big wet lick on your face? The grafted walnut tree (black walnut below, English walnut above) is a sacred spot for the Exalted One. Perhaps something buried there, hint, hint! Hundreds of people in cars, on foot, bicycles, etc., pass the walnut every day. Ah, if they only knew! Ha Ha!

Notice that the tree is under 24 hour video surveillance? Makes you think, does it not? Since the old walnut tree is Sacred to The Church of the Blue Moon/Moon Beams on your Naked Booty, TEO (short for The Exalted One) photos will include the Old Walnut's friend tree. Every tree has a friend and it is not nice to leave the friend out.

Notice the white car in the photo? Spying on TEO for sure. Not a problem. The secrets of TEO shall remain defended. Driver may belong to the "White Car Sect", a division of the Church of Bad. They are the "enforcers" of the Church of Bad. They used to use all black cars but have switched to throw us off. Got rid of them pronto. No turd rifle, just sprinkled em with pubic hair. That works pretty good! They were sitting there drinking their lattes a few blocks away, wearing their sunglasses and acting casual. I can still hear them shrieking...

"OMG!, OMG!, it looks like, like, PUBIC HAIR!, OMG! Well yeah, of course it was pubic hair, no half mesures for TEO! Hate when they play innocent. They will say anything not to blow their cover. Sunglasses, harrumph!

Due to age and other reasons the general public is not privy to, pubic hairs are in short supply. A certain person who shall remain nameless is selfish with hers so the battle against evil is somewhat hampered in the effective tools department. Donors are hard to find!

Fighting evil is hard work and does not pay well. DOING EVIL often pays like a mother! Since I don't run that fast when I'm out there sprinkling evil doers, I usually just hide after the deed is done. Sure, I could just sneak up and sprinkle but that reduces the impact of the act. They have to know something big just came down.

Getting sprinkled and seeing me dart around the corner helps convey the import of what just happened. Maybe they will think twice. What has the Church of Bad really done for them anyway? The dark side is all hot air. The Exalted One knows!

Hiding Out

A lot of what The Exulted One does involves the necessity of hiding out until things cool down and the Exalted One can slip away. I used to just jump into the back of a nearby pickup truck and flatten out on the bottom of the bed. Stopped that nonsense after getting into a losing argument with a crabby dog. Now, I just dive in the bushes or hid behind a tree. Still, once in a while, you will get caught. I think those Church of Bad agents are getting more training these days. I know they have an elite team snooping around all my known haunts. The bad effect of this is it makes recruiting Acolytes that much more difficult. Bummer.

What to do when caught

Face it, if you follow my methods for fighting evil, sooner or later you will get caught. One of the best defenses when caught is to whip out the old everyday, run of the mill Q-Tip dipped in brown mustard. Wave it menacingly in their faces, that should take care of that problem. The great majority of Church of Bad agents will back-off then and there. It helps if you make a face like you are about to barf!
That works most of the time when dealing with agents at close range.

It is almost comically funny how the agents of the Church of Bad will carry on and on with protestations of feigned innocence. Yeah ha ha, Exalted One knows better!

"Oh why did that awful man wave that icky Q-Tip in my face, laugh wickedly, then pop it in his mouth like a lolly pop! Why?, why? It was just so..... disgusting and repulsive! I'm not coming here any more. I'm moving to Utah!"

Stay tuned Acolytes, more wisdom from The Exalted One is yet to come. Next lesson will cover the Rite of the Black/English Walnut tree", and why the tree is under video scrutiny 24/7 (it does hamper certain activities of the Exalted One but the Exalted One shall prevail!! Bless You!

Yes, you can drive right up and park right there if you want. Makes it easy if you have difficulty getting in or out of your car. Phone: 916-641-7696 Very kid-friendly. Also have Fine Art Acrylic Paintings.  You can even smoke a cigar if you feel like it! 




面对它,如果你遵循邪恶作斗争,你迟早会被抓到我的方法。被捕时的最好的防御是鞭子旧的每一天,该厂的Q -提示,棕色芥末蘸运行。这波来势汹汹在他们的脸上,也应考虑这一问题。不良的教会代理商绝大多数将回退,然后和那里。它帮助,如果你的脸,你是要吐! 这一工程的时候,在近距离与代理商打交道最多。

“哦,为什么这样做可怕的浪潮,讨厌的人的Q -提示在我的脸,笑作恶,然后弹出一个棒棒糖在他喜欢流行音乐的嘴里了,为什么?,为什么呢?也正是这样.....讨厌和令人反感的!我'米不来这里了。我搬到犹他!“
请继续关注追随者,更多的智慧来自欢腾之一是尚未到来。下一课将包括黑/英核桃树“的仪式,所以树在视频审议24 / 7(它确实妨碍了欢腾之一,但其中的某些活动而欢跃为准!祝福你!


 New calendar cover.  Can you spot the Montecito Cheese rat?
Bitey Cats, candles, and Cupcakes in Bitey Castle

My "Zombie" Avatar on Facebook and Twitter (@farrellhamann
Also, see videos on youtube channel: farrellhamann
我的“僵尸“头像(@ farrellhamann在Facebook和Twitter
Ich mag wie ein Zombie aussehen, aber ich bin ein Schatz lieben Kerl
Aku mungkin kelihatan seperti Zombie tapi saya kekasih

Link to evil Church of Bad and Limbaughzbub the horse's ass

Church of the Blue Moon/Moon Beams on your Naked Booty

my images, art photos, etc.

Huge Waste of Time!!! 


Twitter me please!

To see my visual art at Picasa (you can also go to twitpic or Flickr) click here. Castles, palaces, huge carved balls, famous mosaic eggs, etc.

Granite Bay ART Service (California)

Montecito Cheese Rat (Who loves Pinconning Cheese)

Rare image of the Montecito Cheese Rat. Caught in his personal, twenty five room, castle in his Master's huge villa on Coast Village Road in Montecito, California.  This rat appears to be a young male.

href="">Church of the Blue Moon, Moon Beams on your Naked Booty
Attention Hound
Email to Farrell Hamann (Hang higher than a Hamann, family motto)  
Ringing Rock Drum and Echo Balls, World's only source.

Bless You!!!
There are at least 2 ants in this image taken on the American River Parkway in Sacramento, CA
The ants are very small but even an ant can be an Acolyte in the Church of the Blue Moon, Moon Beams on your Naked Booty

ikhameleon: Learn beauty tips and cosmetics from a professional. Introductory video by a wonderful girl (and so cute)

Intercepted video transmission revealing possible covert activity within a National Security Agency of the United States, possible CIA or NSA   See other videos, my channel at youtube: farrellhamann

HRH Prince Alwaleed bin Talal 

More of Elmer via Intercepted Video Transmission, Source Unknown:
Elmer gets really ticked off at the evil Dr. Greenbalm

上图:不情愿的间谍,埃尔默生气邪恶博士Greenbalmmusic video (sweeping the internet and the world of music)
Fly on the wall (play me please)   

上面的链接“飞长城“埃尔默布鲁斯和他的巨型播放,自制 urban chickens, fresh eggs, hens! very green site.

Elmer's Secret Weapon No. 1 (short video)

Author: Farrell Hamann (the Zombie Man) has 2 cats, a pug dog, and a high KLOUT score.  Available for consultation, private or corporate. 
作者法雷尔哈曼僵尸)有2个猫,哈巴狗和高KLOUT评分。咨询,私人或公司Привет, вы можете увидеть мои видео на моем канале YouTube: farrellhamann
Guarda i miei video il mio canale su youtube: farrellhamann Commedia, arte, scultura, teneri animaletti, strani, sfere incandescenti.
Farrell Hamann
     Bildender Künstler, Bildhauer, Schriftsteller, Comedy-Videos (YouTube) ich Schriftsteller Akte hatte mit der Tonight Show (circa Carson) und Kunstwerken im Weißen Haus Collection, dem Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, die Petaluma Museum hat Oprah Winfrey ein meiner Mosaik Eier. usw. "Unique Collection" des J. Paul Getty Museum. "Eine Welt der visuellen Edelsteine" Sacramento Bee (Encore) "amerikanische Version der Faberge-Eier" KCRA-TV, "Beautiful" Oprah Winfrey. Ich habe schon viele Male im Fernsehen erscheinen, und in den Printmedien. Mein YouTube-Kanal: farrellhamann auch auf Facebook. Kann siehe Bilder bei Flickr, Picasa, Twitpic, d'ART, Google, etc. Ich habe eine große Kunstsammlung. Arbeiten umfassen Schlösser, Türme, Mosaiken, Gemälden, Skulpturen und vieles mehr. Auch dies schriftlich Humor. High Score Klout

Rubble Rubble Rubble
瓦砾碎石瓦砾les tas de décombres de gravats, des tas, des piles
Puing-puing, tidak istimewa, hanya gundukan, timbunan, tumpukan, dan tumpukan puing. Tidak mewah puing-puing seperti mereka ada di Mesir, hanya puing-puing. Bagaimana anda menolak?

Boo Hoo Hoo (don't worry, not crying, all the good names were taken. You can see the bamboo and all the old tires. That's fun!! 

 For Professional, expert beauty tips and tutorials, please visit my daughter, Kate's, channel on youtube: IKHAMELEON  Makeup artistry, cosmetics, makeovers, supplies, and more.

Pour les professionnels, d'experts conseils de beauté et des tutoriels, s'il vous plaît visiter ma fille, Kate, le canal sur YouTube: Maquillage artistique IKHAMELEON, cosmétiques, du maquillage, de fournitures, et plus encore.

Untuk Profesional, tips kecantikan ahli dan tutorial, sila lawati puteriku, Kate, saluran di youtube: IKHAMELEON kesenian Makeup, kosmetik, makeover, persediaan, dan banyak lagi.



Для специалистов, экспертов советы по красоте и учебные материалы, пожалуйста, посетите мою дочь,, Кейт канал на YouTube: IKHAMELEON макияжа артистизм, косметика, перфекционизма, аксессуары и многое другое.

لموظفي الفئة الفنية، نصائح الجمال الخبراء والدروس، يرجى زيارة ابنتي، كيت، قناة على يوتيوب : IKHAMELEON الفنيةماكياج، ومستحضرات التجميل، التجميل، والمستلزمات، وأكثر من ذلك .

Para profesionales, consejos de expertos de belleza y tutoriales, por favor, visitar a mi hija, Kate, canal en youtube: arte IKHAMELEON maquillaje, cosméticos, maquillaje, material, y mucho más.

IKHAMELEON श्रृंगार कलात्मकता, सौंदर्य प्रसाधन, makeovers, आपूर्ति, और अधिक: व्यावसायिक के लिए, विशेषज्ञ सुंदरता सुझावों और tutorials के, मेरी बेटी है, केट, यूट्यूब पर चैनल पर जाएँ.

IKHAMELEON 메이크업 예술성, 화장품, makeovers, 공급, 그리고 : 프로 전문 뷰티 자습서, 내 , 케이트, YouTube에 채널 방문하시기 바랍니다.

Für professionelle, kompetente Beauty-Tipps und Tutorials, besuchen Sie bitte meine Tochter, Kate, Kanal auf YouTube: IKHAMELEON Makeup Artistik, Kosmetik, Umarbeitungen, Zubehör und vieles mehr.

Professionale per consigli di bellezza di esperti e tutorial, si prega di visitare mia figlia, Kate, il canale su youtube: IKHAMELEON arte trucco, cosmetici, estetici, forniture e altro ancora.

Para profissionais, dicas de especialistas de beleza e cursos, visite a minha filha, Kate, canal no youtube: IKHAMELEON artístico de maquiagem, cosméticos, maquiagem, suprimentos e muito mais.

Đối với các chuyên nghiệp, chuyên gia về thủ thuật làm đẹp hướng dẫn, xin vui lòng truy cập vào con gái tôi, Kate, kênh trên youtube: IKHAMELEON nghệ thuật trang điểm, mỹ phẩm, Thay đổi vẻ ngoài, vật tư, và nhiều hơn nữa.

Pro profesionální, tipy odborníků krása a návody, navštivte mé dcery, Kate, kanál na YouTube: IKHAMELEON Makeup umění, kosmetika, Makeovers, zásoby, a další.

Pug dog with longest tail in the world (for a pug)
Twenty five room hand carved, hand cast palace.  Museum piece. In the home of American artist/writer, Farrell Hamann  Serious offers considered.

Check out my profile!

Creampuff the Jaguar
Famous mosaic eggs 

 Celtic Cross

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Emerging (larva) artist/writer Farrell Hamann

Note: I'm going to start selling my flat marble toy spiral via the net very soon (hand held for kids older that 4 1/2 due to choking hazard) Don't have any made up yet but will soon. Each one will be different. Don't have pay pal so you'll have to pay by money order or silver, perhaps personal check until and if I get Paypal. Have some other ideas in the works for gifts and what nots. I'm thinking I need an inexpensive line of art and that's what's motivating me.  These toys would make great Christmas or birthday gifts or just to have around as sculpture.

Below: Latex mold for making spiral marble toys, I've made a number of these and they are great toys and help with hand eye. The finished marble spiral will be approximately 12 1/2 inches across. For Price, I thinking $32 shipped in USA or $55 for two. You can always arrange to pick up in person in Sacramento and see my huge art collection (giant spheres, obelisks, castles, chateau, paintings, wall hangings, large marble toys)
Also: I will start accepting writing assignments again so let me know what your needs are.
Phone: 916-641-7696 


Camel Mosaic
Spring Meadow

Clueless yet erudite 
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People, Cheetos, potato chips, junk foods are messing up your life. GMO's, bad oils, too much salt, what a racket. Have some pink slime in your burger, ugh!  Companies like Frito-Lay and ConAgra, and Kellogg's are really bad for your health. Monsanto and BayerAg are really bad also.

Farmer feeds GMO corn to his pigs, they all become sterile!!
Iowa State University punks out
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